2014年2月19日 星期三

How to Choose a Bluetooth Headset

The best Bluetooth headsets allow you to control your phone and other Bluetooth compatible devices from the headset with your voice. For hands-free controls, your Bluetooth device turns your voice into a remote control. You can use this voice control to play and pause a video business presentation, stream music or call your boss.

How to Choose a Bluetooth Headset

There are many different Bluetooth headsets in a wide range of prices. Some offer a comprehensive hand-free experience with the ability to control devices with voice commands and apps that allow you to dictate text messages, emails or status updates on social networking websites. Others simply transfer the audio from your phone to the earpiece, freeing your hands.

The most important element of a Bluetooth headset is audio quality. Without high quality sound, you can't effectively communicate with the people on the other end of the call. This has two parts: audio received and audio transmitted. The best headsets have a wideband audio driver capable of reproducing frequencies that are closer to the frequencies made by the human voice. Narrowband audio drivers, common among older and cheaper models, sound thin and tinny.
The second part to audio quality is the sound captured by the headset's microphone and sent to your caller. The best Bluetooth headsets have multiple microphones that work together with internal digital equalizers to recognize and eliminate the frequencies of background noises. The best noise cancellation systems are so effective that your caller would never guess that you were walking along a busy street.

Comfort Features
Comfort is important because you'll wear your headset even when you're not on a call. The best Bluetooth headsets feel secure on your ear and give you the option of wearing on either ear. This is important because you don't want to feel like the device is on the verge of falling off your ear. In addition, your ear can experience fatigue from long phone calls so being able to switch ears allows you keep your hearing fresh.

Ease of Use
Your Bluetooth headset shouldn't require extensive training to use effectively. You should be able to pair it with your phone out of the box and take calls immediately without a lot of setup. The best Bluetooth headsets give voice directions for pairing and setup and should connect automatically after the initial pairing.

Help & Support
If you come across any questions or concerns with your headset, you'll want to contact the manufacturer's support representatives. The more options for help, the better off you'll be. We've rated all the customer service options for comprehensive help and support.

Why Bluetooth Headset?

Many careers require you to spend a great deal of time on the phone communicating with business partners, clients or employees. Without a Bluetooth headset, every phone call you take would limit your ability to multitask effectively because one of your hands would be occupied with the phone. Bluetooth headsets were invented to liberate your hands from the tyranny of your phone so you could more efficiently and safely multitask during important calls. In addition, many states have made it illegal to talk and drive without a hands-free device.

2014年2月17日 星期一

Bluetooth Speakers Reviews Part 2

Bluetooth Reviews Part2
- UE (Logitec)
- Jawbone

Bluetooth Speakers Reviews Part1

There are some reviews bluetooth speakers on CNET website. Including famous speaker and Hi-End brand, like BOSE, SONY, JBL, UE(Logitec)... . Of course, some of them I never heard but also look good and have not bad reviews. Most of the price are $99 -$199.

2014年2月16日 星期日

Bluetooth Speaker

I like to find a simple thing to make something easy.
The easy way to listen music for mobile device, like phone and table would be more important in my life. Except the a dock within speaker, I prefer a really speaker, especially a wireless speaker.

Bluetooth is the go-to option for anyone looking for a (usually) cheap and easy wireless speaker. Bluetooth speakers are ideal for households that aren't strictly Apple-centric, since they work with all nearly all smartphones (Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry) and many Android tablets, as well as all iPhones, iPads, and all iPod Touch models (except for the first-gen Touch).

The only real downside is that audio fidelity is often a step down from the non-Bluetooth options like AirPlay speakers -- but a lot of people can't hear the difference, and the quality is generally much better than Bluetooth audio devices sounded just a couple of years ago. Note that many (but not all) Bluetooth speakers are designed with rechargeable batteries, so they can be moved from room to room with ease. Travel models are even smaller, and often include speakerphone functionality as well.